Google Business Profile
Google Business Profile or GBP as many refer to it as in the Digital Marketing world is very important to your business. A verified GBP will allow more people to find your business and become customers.
Why does my business not show up on Google?
If you are a newer or small business its possible that Google doesn't even know you exist as a business because they use algorithms based on how much they see your business pop up on the internet like if you have a social media account for your business or if a customer makes a post mentioning how good of work you have done for them. If Google hasn't seen a strong Digital Footprint from your business then you need a GBP created for your business.
If my business shows up on Google why should I take the time to claim it?
There are few reasons that it is important that you have control of the GBP for your business.
1. You can be sure that all the information for your business is correct.
2. Being in control of your own GBP makes your business look more active than competitors that don't in Google's eyes.
3. Lastly if you leave it unclaimed someone else could claim it and delete it or redirect all phone calls to their business.
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